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Percorsi a Bici

200km offering amazing diversity of landscapes including Les Villages Perchés (hilltop villages), Les champs de lavande (lavender fields), Les Gorges du Verdon (Verdon Grand Canyon) with waypoint at Le Point Sublime (outstanding view over the canyon and its 2000-foot cliffs).
Quiet or even savage empty roads except from mid-june to mid-september on the Verdon stretch from Castellane to Moustiers-Sainte-Marie where crowds of tourists with motor homes have problems to cross each other.

Height major climbs but no heavy difficulties as gradients are generally kind (total ascent is 3450 m)
Start with 40km uphill to warm up then up and down for about 100 km. And finally 50 km mainly free-wheel back down to Les Arcs.
Do not forget to read Tips for cyclists touring Provence, French Riviera and hinterland before you plan this delightfull raid.

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